AI PMD An Artificial Intelligent Predictive Maintenance Device


An innovative and latest state of the art device, the iInnovation AI PMD tackles the problem of industrial machines, pumps and motors failing without warning. The PMD is able to give early detection before the machines go into a complete malfunction.

Where there is a need to ensure these machines do not breakdown, the PMD device gives huge savings to factories or companies by detecting/predicting its nearness to complete malfunction. Companies can do a replacement of the machines for off-site repair, thereby saving themselves huge operational losses. In remote places where human constant monitoring of these machines are not practical nor possible, the PMD solution saves large manpower cost as well.




The PMD works on 3 types of Industrial machines: Turbine, Pumps and Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning System (HVAC).
The PMD can be deployed in Power plants where there are turbines used for the generation of electricity. It can be used in large scale steel factories where there are power plants as a by product of steel manufacturing. PMD can also be deployed in Paper factory where there are turbines machineries that needs constant operation.

The next important application area is the pump used in the Oil and Gas industry. Where remote early detection before the failure of the pumps are needed, PMD fulfil this need for Oil and Gas operators where daily human check on the pumps are neither possible nor practical. By predicting the imminent failure of the machine before it fails, actual replacement can be carry out first on the pumps, thus saving companies money by preventing long down time of the pumps.

Similar applications can be used in HVAC system such as those chillers found in offices and industrial buildings. With PMD, instead of scheduled maintenance, maintenance can be done according to the actual state of the HVAC system, thus giving the stake holders savings in maintenance cost.


AI PMD Device

  • Comes with Strong Magnet for easy mounting and installation on machines and Motors
  • Overall dimension of 125 x 70 x 40mm
  • 3-axis accelerometer to detect vibration of up to +/-16g
  • Internal Audio sensor that has a flat frequency response from 20hz to 10khz
  • Input Power supply of +5VDC
  • Industrial Connector for power connection
  • Wifi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac with build in antenna for communication with
  • 1 x LED indicator
  • Build in with AI algorithm model for audio and vibration motor failure analysis.

AI PMD 人工智能预测性维护设备


IIPL AI PMD是一种基于人工智能的预测性维护设备,它解决了工业机械、泵和电机等在没有预警的情况下出现故障的问题,IIPL AI PMD能够在机器完全故障之前进行提前预警。
在某些情况下,机器设备需要长期不间断工作,设备故障打乱整个生产计划活动,对公司经营产生较大影响。 IIPL AI PMD设备通过检测/预测机器设备的工况,在设备完全故障之前进行维修,可为工厂或公司节省巨大的成本。同时,由于物联网技术的使用,用户可对机器设备的工况进行远程监控,从而极大的为自己节省运营成本及人力成本



AI PMD应用场景

IIPL AI PMD可作用于以下工业设备: 涡轮机, 泵机,及空气调节(HVAC)系统等。
涡轮机作为重要的发电设备,被广泛应用于发电厂,钢铁厂,纸厂,化工厂等领域。IIPL AI PMD可为火力发电厂中的大型汽轮机,风力发电机中的齿轮箱,钢铁厂,纸厂及化工厂的余热发电机组设备提供预测性维护及物联网远程监控服务。
另一个重要的应用领域是石油和天然气工业中的泵机及抽油机。由于采油(气)厂的面积过于广阔,使得其对泵机及抽油机的检修需要耗费巨大的人力及时间成本。因此,远程监控及设备工况预测的需求与日俱增。IIPL AI PMD可通过无线通讯实时向客户发送设备的运行状态,报告有无异常状态发生,并预测设备的剩余使用寿命,帮助客户更好的进行维护决策。通过提前预警,客户可提前对泵机及抽油机进行检修或更换,从而避免泵长时间停机,从而节省公司的运营成本。

类似的应用也可作用于HVAC系统, 如建筑中的制冷机及压缩机。通过搭载IIPL AI PMD,客户可根据HVAC系统的实际工作状态安排检修,从而节约相关方面的维修成本。


AI PMD的技术参数:

  • 配有永磁铁,便于安装于机器表面
  • 产品尺寸 125 x 70 x 40mm
  • 三轴加速度传感器 +/-16g
  • 内置声音传感器有效频率响应范围 20hz 至 10khz
  • 输入电源 +5VDC
  • 自锁工业连接器
  • Wifi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac 配置内置天线
  • LED 指示灯
  • 内置AI算法模型,用于分析音频和振动数据

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